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FHM Medical Providers

To locate a Medical Provider, visit Workers' Comp Networks ( and click on the "Find a Provider" tab in the top navigation.

For more questions or more information, please contact your adjuster or call FHM's Claims Department at 1-888-884-5822.

LUBA Medical Providers

Locating a provider who understands the specifics of an on-the-job injury is crucial to a successful recovery and return to work. As part of our LUBA policies, we offer resources that can assist in locating a provider that can work with both the injured worker and employer to provide the best care possible while also keeping claims costs down.

The providers, clinics, and hospitals listed in our database have been carefully chosen for their return-to-work philosophy and quality medical care. Injured workers are treated, rehabilitated, and cleared to work as soon as it is medically possible.

To find a medical provider, please click the link below:

Find a medical provider

If you have questions, please contact Lisa Wagner, Claims Manager, at (904) 854-2760 or

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